Saturday, May 19, 2007

Off to a good start

Posted by Chris

Woohoo we are finally in Thailand! It didn't get off to the best start when the taxi to the brisbane Airport was swearving all over the road as the driver fell asleep. We eventally made it to Sydney where we met up with Ryan and Heidi as they finally made it to the front of the line at the check in desk. They had been waiting almost an hour so it was a good thing we rocked up and cut in line with them.

The flight was fairly standard with an excessive amount of beer drinking by everyone except Heidi who opted to have night-time cold 'n flu meds. We started trying to build a beer can tower to the roof but the air hostess eventually took our empties away. I think Chang is the beer for me but Danae and Ryan like the more bitter Singha.

We landed in Bangkok International about 4pm and after a non-existant customs check we were immediately accosted by offers of taxi/minibus. Heidi knew the fare to the nearby hotel should be only 200 Baht, so Ryan thought he was the master barginer when he negotiated us a 300 baht ride, down from 600 (ed note: the next day we took a metered cab and it was only 80 baht!). Ryan tried to ask the driver where the hot nite spots were but he didn't speak slurred Australian (the taxi-pimp did luckily). (Chris: Ryan wrote the rest) We found out later that there were no hot night spots nearby only sprawling ghetto and industrial area.

After getting stuck into the cheapest mini bar we've ever seen we got up enough courage to go to a little dodgey looking thai style diner. There was no tourists there, only locals at the eatery. Although the area we stayed in we never saw a tourist. Our "waitress" was a ladyboy that seemed to be quite attracted to Chris (I guess he's only human too). The service and food was awesome, although Im pretty sure the mosquitos had more to eat than we did. Luckily they had some huge movie style prop fans which they quite nicely positioned in front of us.

We were hoping to get some sort of sickness from the dodgey eatery for a funny blog entry, but unfortunately, hilarity did not ensue. The meals ranged from 30-50 baht(approx $1-2) and were pretty awesome. The nice lady boy also hooked us up with a couple of tallies to take away. We had to wait 5mins for our change as we paid with a 1000baht bill. It was way too much bling for them to handle and some kid had to run up the road with it and get it changed.

On the way home we went to a quicky-mart and got some thai chips and little sugar breads to accompany the nightcap. Heidi and I were awoken by some bad kareoke singing at about 3am.


Dave said...

great start gang!

please keep us informed with daily updates

tommy_b said...

i like!

sexy times : )

Anonymous said...

The nice lady boy


nice work a-team

steves said...

hooray. nice one.. looks fun.

Dave said...

heidi is going to have her hands full trying to keep ryan in line with all the ladyboys around

Anonymous said...

some rats have moved into your office and are eating your boots. dont worry I saved your coffee.


timmy8ken said...

Who was doing the singing? Ryan?